Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ben's WTF Fact of the Day

A duck's quack will not echo, and audiologists do not know why

Know you know

Haters Gonna Hate

Everyone has problems with other people.  This is common among high schoolers and then it tapers off.  It's disappointing.  It happens.  That's how it is.  Haters are gonna hate.  The thing we need to do though, let it go and laugh.  We are used, people use us because they see us as vulnerable and they use us like we are expendable.  Then they find someone better someone that they actually care about.  Then what happens to us you say?  Well we are just thrown aside and they don't give to shits about us.  That's how it is.  They don't care.  They never will care.  It's how it is.  To them we are little pawn in their game of chess.  But we aren't we are much more than that.  We are knights. We are rooks. We are bishops.  Hell. WE ARE THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF THAT CHESS GAME.  We are able to do much more than what we, ourselves, or what they think.  We are able to do more than what we believe we can do.  The problem is though.  We miss one ingredient.  One small thing.  But that small thing makes a big difference.  We need heart.  We need to believe in ourselves at all time.  That's where we need to start.  All of us.  Anyone can tell you what to do. They have the ability to push you around.  They don't have the right.  But we have the right to stand up for ourselves, and for the others that need our help.  So stand up.  Let them know who you are.  And never back down.

Extraverted Extroverts

     Everyone knows that one person who has hundreds of "close" friends, who always seems to have a group of people following them around. They seem to be able to command the attention of everyone in the room. In fact, they crave human contact. They don't feel happy unless they are either entertaining everyone, or happen to be in the middle of an extremely crowded party. People like this are often used as stereotypes to describe the large range of personalities that fall under extroversion.
     To put it simply, extroverts gain energy from being around people. When at parties or with groups of friends, they find it more relaxing to talk or hang out with others than to be left alone. Extroverts usually escape boredom by interacting with others, and most often find prolonged silence undesirable. This does not mean, however, that all extroverts are the same. Contrary to the popular belief, people range from high extroversion (extremely outgoing) to low extroversion (normally social), with the scale looking like this;

High: As stated above, those with high extroversion need to constantly be around others. Their total focus is outwardly, which means that often avoid silence and loneliness at all costs.

Moderate: People with moderate extroversion tend to enjoy parties, but do not get overly stressed when left alone. These people tend to spend free time with others.

Low: Those with low extroversion share many qualities with introverts, including needing or enjoying time alone. However, these people prefer being with others, as this is where they gain most of their energy.

Shy extroverts can be anywhere on the scale, but usually are perceived as introverts due to their time spent being alone. Socially anxious extroverts often spend time alone because of the discomfort they feel with people, even if they would like to socialize.

Qualities of extroverts: People who are extroverts usually think while they talk, and come up with better ideas through brainstorming with multiple people. As a rule, extroverts are better with group work than when working alone, and often make decisions quickly without introspecting much.

     -better people skills for acquiring and maintaining jobs
     -quick decision making in stressful situations
     -excel in group work, such as in an office
     -focus on the outside word leads to intense knowledge of surroundings

     -bored easily when not with other people or doing something physical
     -do not normally think over things, leading to brash and unwanted decisions
     -not productive when forced to worked alone
     -focus on outside world leads to less knowledge of inner self
I hope this helps you to find yourself. More to come soon.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ben's WTF Fact of the Day

If you yelled for 8 years 7 months and 6 days straight, you would have expelled enough energy to heat a cup of coffee

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: SAT Classmates

Here's to like the 11 people that are taking the SAT Class thing. We have fun.  "We cry, laugh, and make fun of together." We also celebrate when we get things right. Yea we have fun in that class. Probably more than you'd expect. So here's to us thinking it would be hell but turning out that it's fun. Because sometimes we deserve to have fun in school. 

Carpe Diem

Here's a little something I had to type up for English class, hope you can relate.

The poem, “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick, explains life.  The poem tries teaching it’s readers how to live.  People forget what life offers them.  People waste their lives tampering with small minute details that mean nothing.  Although people believe they live their lives the right way, actually the poem by Robert Herrick tell them how to live.
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick tells humans to live life to the fullest.  Robert Herrick states through the poem, life moves fast.  Herrick wants the readers to understand they need to find what matters to them personally and follow it.  Herrick uses the example of a rose to depict the quickness of life.  Herrick writes, “And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying” (1.3-4).  Herrick uses this personification to relate a flower to the lives of humanity.  The author knows humans do not live long.  Humans live life quickly.  Herrick implies humans live like the rose, they live their lives strong and firm, smiling; but then death arrives soon after, and they wither away.  Herrick wants the readers to understand they need to seize the day, live life without regrets.

“Carpe Diem.”  Seize the day.  This Latin phrase teaches the students in the movie, Dead Poet’s Society, to live their lives without looking back.  Mr. Keating tells his students to seize the day during their youth.  Keating believes everyone needs to live his or her life out doing what they want.  He believes in freedom, he does not want people trapped inside their own regret.  Keating’s students take his words to heart, and take risks leaving school grounds at night to do something they find interesting.  Keating explains the phrase, “Carpe diem”, as freeing humans from the enslavement of others expectations of themselves.  Humans cannot live under the pressure from someone else, if her or she feels they want to do something completely different, then they can.

Seizing the day applies to the lives of everyone.  We all relate to “carpe diem.”  We cannot live under the pressures of someone else, especially if we do not have the same interests.  We live free of what others think, say, and do to us.  We live independent from one another.  Nobody controls what we do, and we cannot allow them to.  We do as we want, and we live the direct consequences from our decisions, good or bad; however we must seize the day during our prime so we do not end our lives living in regret.
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Robert Herrick calls for acting upon life.  Everyone lives his or her life differently.  They seize their own day.  Herrick tells the readers to seize the day during their youth, because he knows regret falls upon the ones who do not.  Everyone lives their lives under pressures of everyone around them.  This way of living needs to change for their betterment.

Ben's WTF Fact if the Day

In 1880's England the word "pants" was considered a dirty word

Monday, February 25, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Friends

Here's to the ones that are always there for us. Our friends. Our best friends. Spend time with them. As soon as you can make memories that will last, because you'll regret it if you don't. Girlfriends and boyfriends are nice but remember your friends that came along before them. Don't forget them because it's annoying. We've all been in that position. Face it your friends will be there more than anyone besides your family. They will always be there. Until they die. God forbid. So today have one hell of a time with the people that are always there.

Don't Waste A Moment

Some of the greatest things we are given in life are our friends. Our true friends stick with us thick and thin. They never leave us hanging. Friends are our bodies conscience and voice of reason in human form. Now I realize that not all our friends keep us in check all the time. However it's the little things that they with us and for us that keep us who we are.  Some of the most fun things we do are with our friends especially our best friends. They make life filled with zest and pep.  We should never take our friends for granted because think about life without your friends. It would suck. What would you do. I know. Stay in your parent's basement and watch TV and play video games 24/7. So while you are with your friends, live it up and make sure that you never waste a moment with them.

Finding Yourself

     Who are you?
     On the surface, this question seems quite simple. When most people hear this, they answer with a first and last name, and occasionally a middle initial. They talk about what they do for a living and then delve into their past, explaining the most crucial and important details. While summaries like this serve a valuable purpose in greeting a new people, they fail to answer the question of "Who are you?". In fact, relying on possessions and actions to define someone actually diverts them away from discovering their true self. To completely comprehend who someone is, that person must look not only at the actions in their past, but the reason behind those actions. They must stop and evaluate their entire lives, exposing the truth that they either try to disregard or repress. The people who continue to avoid their personality end up with an unstable sense of self, leaving them with a shred of uncertainty and doubt that stays with them for the rest of their lives. Understanding the reason for acting certain ways can bring about knowledge on how to work with, or even master the flaws that every person lives with.
     Although self discovery plays an important role in providing long-lasting happiness, many people shun this idea because the task seems extremely intimidating. Others shrink from it because they fear what they might find. Either way, many people tend to stray away from uncovering their personality because they have no knowledge of where to even start without confusing themselves even more. Fortunately, there exists one such tool that provides an easy way to understand the reason why people act the way they do. The Myers-Briggs Test Indicator categorizes the human personality into four distinct sections, each with two opposing views: extroversion versus introversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. While not perfect, this system provides an in-depth analysis on the workings of the human mind, allowing for people across the world to better recognize who they really are and have more fulfilling lives.

In the next few posts, I will continue to develop on the different parts of the MBTI personality types.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

To everyone who reads this,

  When you live your life you are faced with many choices.  Choices that could help you for the better or hurt you for the worst.  If you have a goal, pursue it.  If you are close enough to your goal that you can taste it, take it.  Always take a risk.  No matter what.  Because if you don't take risks in life, you will have regrets.  And if you go through life with regrets, you will be grumpy when you grow up.  This is a terrible way to grow up and go through life.  Always keep this in mind when faced with making a decision: "Live life without regrets."  Trust me, if you think this every time a choice presents itself in front of you, you will make the right decision.  And you will not look back on life thinking, "Damn, I wish I would have done this with my life."  We only have one life, we are one and done.  Don't screw up your life because you don't have the balls to try.  Always try.  Always try to do something with your life, something that you really want to do.  If you read this, keep this in mind when you ever have to face something crucial in your life, and you won't regret it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: The Single Person

The single person has a lot going on.  If you have plans on having a family, then you got to make sure that you find the right person to make a family with.  Also, loyalty can be a problem.  If you find the right person, I'm sure it won't be as hard. But when you do have someone there's always going to be someone that may look better, but you have to look past this and look deeper down.  It sucks sometimes when you're in this position, but when you are single you miss out on this stuff which sucks worse.  Everyone should have someone, and single people know how hard it is to see happy couples and families.  I know how it feels, we've all been there at some point.  Hopefully, we all find someone. So here's to those to who are single and looking for someone, may you find them.

Banging Out Some Z's

We sleep. It's natural. Some snore. Some kick. Some toss and turn and fall out of bed. What is it you do? For me, I have a variation of tossing and turning. Usually I got to bed at a decent time. But when I'm sleeping, around 2 o'clock at night, I sometimes have this problem. No I don't pee myself. But my bed sots up against the wall. And I usually sleep on that side. So I cannot really turn into it because I would hit my head. The sleeping me doesn't care though he's just gonna do what ever he wants. So I'm sleeping and when I turn I kick myself up in the air and turn. So om sleeping and the WHAM! I kick myself up and turn, hitting my head on the wall. I wake up. I think "what in the hell." Then I fall asleep like nothing happened. Then an hour later I do the same exact thing and fall asleep like nothing even phased me again.

But if you think that's bad, two summers ago I went to the beach with my cousins. We had a bunk bed. I was on the bottom bunk. I couldn't really sit up underneath the top bunk. And there were little metal bars that support the top mattress. And every night when we were all sleeping g around 2 I sat up. BAM! I smack my head on the bar my cousin said. He didn't know what it was but the one night he climbed down and figured it out. I never knew I did it. I just fell back asleep apparently. The one night though we slept I did the same exact thing the room wakes up and everyone just cracked up. Waking me up. And then I started laughing.

So if you have some crazy sleeping habits, that's alright I do to. And other people do to they just won't admit it. Another point to this is it's alright to be weird. You just have to learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. Weird is good. Different is good.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Stephanie Fernandez

To a good friend of mine.  Here's to her for making it through a hard week of school.  We all know how easy it is to quit.  But for her perseverance in school, sports, and work.  She earns today's Outstanding Person.  Let's all wish her luck in her playoff game tomorrow as well. TGIF Steph, and hopefully next week is easier for you.

Bens WTF Fact of the Day

Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846

John f Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946

Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860

John f Kennedy was elected president in 1960

Both were concerned with civil rights

Both had wives who lost children while in the White House

Both were assassinated on a Friday

Both were shot in the head

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy

Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln

Both were shot by southerners

Both were succeeded by southerners

Both their successors were named Johnson

Lincoln's assassin was born in 1839

Kennedy's assassin was born in 1939

Lincoln was shot in a theatre called Kennedy

Kennedy was shot on a Lincoln limousine

John Wilkes Booth ran away from a theatre and was caught in a warehouse

Lee Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre

A week before his death Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland

A week before Kennedy's death he was with Marylyn Monroe

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: You

Here's to all of you who read this blog. We want to thank you from our three man team. Without you guys we would not have reached 1,000 views today! So we really appreciate all the time (probably a couple minutes a day) that you take to read our posts. If only we could get you guys to vote in the poll. In time I guess. 

But thanks everyone!

Ben's WTF Fact of the Day

There is a small jellyfish called hydrozoan, it is the only animal known to man that cannot die from old age. This makes it the only immortal living being ever discovered, they are known to live for thousands of years.

Now You Know

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The "Oh Shit!" Moment

     Have you ever reached that part of the day where your mind just shuts off on you? You know, when the most productive thing you can do is mutter, "Oh shit" a thousand times? If that has not happened to you, then you're one fucking lucky person, because it is the number one cause for making people like me not get work done. If it has happened to you, though, then I completely sympathize with you. Nobody should ever have to experience that kind of mental breakdown, especially one that happens almost every damn day. But there is hope for those of us who have to suffer through shit like that constantly.
     If I have learned one thing, it is this; don't fight it. Just say, "Fuck this shit" and give up. Drop whatever you're doing and go the hell to sleep. If you happen to be in a office or at school, then go to the bathroom and take a power nap on the shitter. Nobody will bother you there, unless they're that one creepy bastard everybody knows. Then you're probably screwed. But if you decide to take this route, set a timer on your phone before you're out cold. If you wake up an hour later, then your massive shit might be the number one gossip of the day. And that will take you ages to live down.
     "What about if I have no chance to sleep?" you may ask. Well, if that's the case, then get creative. There is always a way if you are desperate enough. If you're at school, tell the teacher that you have explosive diarrhea, and that you're going to shit all over the floor unless you find a toilet. Or if you happen to be at work, tell your boss that your uncle just got into a horrible car accident, and that you need to go to the hospital right away. Then get in your car, drive home, and take a much needed nap. But the last method should be used with caution, as you might get fired if you are not one hell of a liar.
     But when all those fail, then I'm sorry, because I'm out of ideas. I just hope that I can make your "Oh shit" moment just a little less shittier.

-The Co-Editor

The Radio

Imagine driving and just cruising on like a country road nobody around. And. BAM. One of your favorite songs come on. Now you could be thinking: "What an idiot. Just play your iPod." Yea I guess you could do that. But let me tell you the feeling you get when it comes on the radio is much more exciting than when you play it on your iPod. When it comes on the radio, unless the song recently came out, you think: "Shit, I haven't heard this in forever!" Then when it's over you feel happy, but you also miss it already. You don't get that feeling when you play it from an iPod or a MP3. Another thing about the radio, it always seems like it knows how you're feeling, doesn't it? The radio can either be your best friend or the biggest dick at this point. Say your in love right? But the thing is there's no chance or you just got through a hard ass break up. So you turn on the radio. Guess what plays. Slow songs and love songs. Doesn't that just suck ass? I don't know maybe I'm backwards but that's just how I feel. But then in another way, you cold be in the best mood. And all the radio plays are your favorite songs or songs that you can just relate to and just connect. At that point, you sing, don't you? And you don't just sing, but you sing loud. Not only that, but you feel so happy when that happens. It's not indescribable but it's a pretty good feeling. Your happy. And that's what matters in life. Seriously have fun in idea every chance you get. Take risks as well. Because someday you will be old. Yea that sucks. But it's the truth. We all grow old. But we don't have to live with regret. Don't be someone who wished they had more fun. Even if that does mean turning on your radio to your favorite station and praying that you have that awesome experience where you could just sit there and listen to it for hours on end. Just don't let the commercials bother you. Just flip the station for a minute or two.

Today's Outstanding Person: Ben

Here's to the new guy on the task team for the blog. Ben is now the funny guy and the odd fact guy for the team. It's great to have him as an author. Make sure to check his posts out.

Ben's WTF Fact of the Day

Both Adolf Hitler and Napolean Bonaparte both only had one testical

Now You Know

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today's Outstanding Team: Neumann's Girls Basketball

Today we changed the "Outstanding Person" to "Outstanding Team" to congratulate my high school's girls basketball team.  Today they won their first playoff game against Millville.   So let's hear it for the Neumann Girls Basketball team.  Congratulations Lady Knights.

News Update

To all baseball fans:
In the coming weeks, Spring Training games start for the MLB Teams. In light of this amazing happening, a new poll has been added to the side bar.  The poll is to see what your favorite MLB Team is. Hopefully we actually get votes, unlike the last poll where we got all of 0 votes.  Plus I would like to see the spread of the baseball fans that read this blog.

Thank you.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Hayden Forquer

For turning in for change. Because he says he needs change. Maybe this will jump start him.


So considering yesterday was Sunday, nothing was put up. And it will continue to be that way. We observe the Sabath.

Not really I just need a day off too.

When Friends Freak Out

     On Saturday, I got invited to go over to my friends house. Usually, I show up an hour or so late, which seems to really piss people off. But that day, I decided to show up on time, just to mix things up. When I arrived, I think I surprised everyone in the room. Hell, I even surprised myself. So instead of being greeted with, "Hey, look, it's f***tard", I got a few confused looks. Satisfied with the fact that I avoided a verbal raping, I went to go sit down on the couch. For a while, we just sat there sat there doing absolutely nothing, until I realized we were waiting for some shithead to get his head out of his ass and show up. Then, after a few more moments, I was told that we were waiting for Mr. Skinny Jeans himself. Personally, I have nothing against the guy. Sure, he made us wait a damn long time for him, but I do that all the time. No big deal. But he did do something that pissed off the entire room. Rather than telling us he had somewhere to be, he just flat out ignored us. The asshole didn't even answer a single text or call. At least when I don't answer for hours, I have the courtesy to tell my friends some plausible excuse. Skinny Jeans didn't do that, though. Nobody had a clue where his ass was, until one of my friends got an idea. He thought that Skinny Jeans might be ditching us for his new girlfriend, so he texted her to find out. Turns out, Pale Kid was with his girlfriend, and was apparently too embarrassed to admit to us that he was going out on a date with her. When my friends heard about this, they started flipping shit. If he would have walked into the room at that moment, someone would have probably chopped off his dick, right then and there. That's how pissed they were. On the other hand, I wasn't that mad at him. Then I learned that he was taking his girlfriend out to McDonald's. He ditched hanging out with us to fatten his girlfriend up. I mean, come on. I could understand Olive Garden or Red Lobster. I could even understand a quick stop at Wendy's. But for God's sake, why did he skip out on us to sit and eat in a place that smells of fat people and desperation? I suppose I should have been pissed like my friends were, but I just found the whole situation f***ing disappointing  And after everyone was done bitching, we decided to go downstairs, where nothing much happened until another friend showed up. We started taking turns playing an older Call Of Duty, which was a bad idea.Whenever we play, he rapes all of us. Every. Single. Time. There's no escaping it. At this point, we all just accept it. This day was different, though. For some odd reason, I was killing him left and right. I was laughing my ass off the whole time, but the other guy wasn't. He looked at me in the way a sexual predator stares down an unsuspecting child. Shit just got real. Every time I killed him, he would stand up and try to punch me in the balls. Not only that, but he would scream and bitch about how I was only good because "I was too poor to afford the newest game". Despite the verbal abuse, I managed to end the game in a tie. Kurtman, as my friends called him, couldn't stand this. He demanded a rematch, one on one, which I accepted. I thought I could actually win. But I got raped. Hard. And Kurtman regained his former position of jackass, calling me his bitch and other shit that I can't remember. But that's expected out of him, so I just let it slide.

-The Other Editor

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Is Emotion?

The fuck right?

How many of you had someone special in your life? Someone of any relationship. I'm sure you all have. It sucks when they're gone. Doesn't it? Sorry to say. They're gone now. Not coming back. Living or passed. They aren't coming back. How's that feel? SHITTY I KNOW. Now try to move on. How hard is that FUCKING HARD ISN'T IT? Now think if something that you would hate to see happen to that person. Now you just saw it. The thing that you would hate to see happen just happened. How shitty do you feel now?

I'm not here to make you feel like shit.  I'm here to get you to see my point of view. We all have problems in life. I'm not the only going through this right now. You let someone go and then everything comes flooding back in. It's like why? Truth is there's nothing you can do for it now. You're screwed. You're going to have to live like this until some shit happens and you get over it. It's a hard thing to do I know I'm living that moment right now. And I'm sucking at getting through it. It's like that stage where you hate yourself but you gotta push through because you can't be a quiter. We just gotta fight on for those who give a damn about the blog and can relate to this. Only time will tell.

Stay strong everyone.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Stephen Helminiak

For kicking Kurt Stroble's ass today in COD. Probably one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. Congrats to co-writer Stephen

Two Types of People

There are two types of people in this world:

Ones that have shit thrown at them, and they see it and they do something about it.


Ones that have shit thrown at them and they just let it happen to them.

Which one are you? Either is fine.  But change if you think it's right for you. If you're tired of who you think you are change. But only for yourself. Don't ever change for someone else because if it doesn't work out. You may never be who you once were. And that just sucks. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or who you should be. Take control of your life and live it the way you want to live it.

Screw what others think.

"The Breakfast Club"

Have you seen "The Breakfast Club", no?

Go. Now and watch it. Right now. Go.

However, if you have seen it.  Think about it. It relates pretty damn well to your life. One of the characters in that movie actually is YOU in some way.  Which is it?  They may not be like you now, but when you were younger or at some part in your life you were one or more of the characters. Its crazy how much you think about this movie and the life we live.  The teenage years are a tough part of any kids life. This movie captures the highs and the lows of these years. Teens seem to have parental issues. Parents are either helicopter parents, assholes, or nonexistent.  Some kids have parents that are ACTUALLY one of these three things. Others just make it seem like they are all three at different points.  Is it the parents that make their children the way they are? I'd like to say yes.  If your parents aren't there, where are you going to go? The streets. And your gonna turn out a little rough. But for real, these people will be able to provide for themselves, as long as they didn't turn to the streets too much and get into a bad rap with some drugs or something.  Helicopter parents aren't going to let their kids go.  And this sucks for the kid.  They won't know how to do anything because it has all been laid out on the table for them. And if your parents are assholes your gonna turn to violence and just have a terrible house life.  So really what is the perfect parent. Teens don't know.  Think of it this way. Sometimes think to yourself.  What if I had to live like the worse conditions.  I would like to try having nothing given to me, nothing.  I do it all by myself.  Just to see how terrible it would be to have asshole/nonexistent parents.  It would be interesting.  But it would also give us a new outlook on life.  Something that a lot of us could use.  Its the little things in life that make it hell or fun.  Feel bad for John Bender because he doesn't have much, but be proud.  He stays strong and in ways should be a role model for some of us.  Not all aspects but some.

Just realize, a lot of us are spoiled.  And there are a lot of people out there who aren't.  They don't have much and they don't always complain.  But damnit.  The spoiled ones, if they don't get something.  "SCREW MY PARENTS!"  Look pal.  Sit down and shut the hell up.  Look around there are people who have it worse than you.  Grow a pair and suck it up.

Thank you.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Cameron Frye

For teaching teens that you don't just let people push you around. We can stand up for ourselves. Do what we want.

"I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it."

Don't Wake Me Up

     Today was pretty uneventful, even by my standards. I didn't have school, so I didn't even plan on leaving my house at all. See, it's kind of hard for me to make plans when I don't have a social life. And it's kinda hard to have a social life when I shit my pants every time someone tries to start a conversation with me. So I was left with only one option, which was to stay in my house all day. Most of the time I'm fine with this, because I'm a lazy asshole. But one little thing went wrong today. My morning was going fine, until I was woken up at ten o'clock in the morning. And that pissed me off. They might as well have taken a shit on my face, because that would have made me less pissed. But I was too tired to actually tell them how angry I was, so I ended up grunting like orgasming orangutan. That didn't make them leave, though. In fact, they tried to wake me up again. That pissed me off even more. So this time, I rolled over to my side, which is basically a metaphorical middle finger. Apparently they did't get the message, because they tried a third time. And that REALLY pissed me off. So I looked them dead in the eye and was about to say what was on my mind, which was, "Get the hell out of my room you little f****er before I shove a f***ing baseball bat up your fat ass!". Fortunately for them, I could barely speak at the moment, so I mumbled some bullshit they wanted to hear until they left. It's not like I hate my family, though. I just really hate it when some douchebag actually gets the bright idea to wake me up on my day off. Not that my family members are douchebags, though. Sure, sometimes they're assholes, other times they're bitches, and on occasions they act like faggots, but I would never call them douchebags. That's just crossing the line. So that's why I don't speak my mind to them, because if I did, I would be labeled "Biggest Dickhead" forever. And I don't intend on that happening, cause I'm stuck with these people for another two years. So instead, I just suck it up and go back to sleep for another damn hour.

-The Other Guy

Cell Phones

Phones are one of the most interesting things. Technological advances led to smart phones after the flip phones which came from the huge ass phones that you have to pull the antenna out just to listen to a call.

Phones are nice and everything but what is the point of having them if you don't freaking use it. I try to text people and nobody responds. And this is after they tell me they are free all day... WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE.  Next time I will take their phone and give them a potato because that's pretty much what their smart phone are to them. Potatoes.

If you read this please don't be like the people I described in this post. It only pisses people off.

Don't be a lazy fat ass.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Cosmo Kramer

"All right, now here's the lowdown. From a certain connection, I've been able to locate some black market shower heads. They're all made in the former Yugoslavia, and from what I hear the Serbs are fanatic about their showers."

A Stupid Basketball Game

     Usually, I don't go to basketball games, mostly because I'm too lazy to leave my house. But last night was Senior Night, so I said what the hell and went. When I walked into the gym, there was hardly anyone there, except for a couple of the basketball players and few people from school. As I was taking my seat, one of the players actually tried to talk to me. He tried to be a smartass by saying, "Wow, look who actually showed up to game", but he's a dumbshit, so it sounded a lot less articulate than that. So instead of responding, I left the wannabe ghetto kid listening to his rap music and went to find a seat. There were a few people in the stands, so, like the socially awkward person I am, I chose the spot farthest away from human contact. It was going good for a while until a girl from my class showed up and sat down a few feet from me. Rather than ignoring my presence like most people, she actually turned my way and asked me where my friends were. At that point, I was about to piss myself. I hid my anxiety well, though, because I only sounded mildly retarded when I told her they were at Dunkin Donuts. She then nodded, and then an awkward silence ensued. This lasted for a good five minutes before my fatass friends stopped being fatties and showed up at the game. Then the game started, and I was content just sitting next to my friends, avoiding all conversations possible. After a while, Mr. Pale Kid showed up in his trademark skinny jeans, and started telling us about his new girlfriend, who was a hand-me-down from my other friend. To my horror, he pulled out his phone and started showing us pictures of his girlfriend making the ugliest faces imaginable. I wanted to scream at him and tell him that she looks like a crazy bitch, but I kept my mouth shut and attempted to ignore him. After the game, I was about to leave until one of my little cousins showed up and attached herself to me face, saying goodbye to me at the top of her shrill lungs. Eventually, her father pried her off of my face, and told me that she was my biggest fan. Another one of my friends overheard this, and said something along the lines of, "How can she be your biggest fan when you don't do anything?" And to give a point of reference, this was the same guy who had earlier called a thirteen year old girl a slut. So as you can tell, this dick's got some real class. So by the time the game was over, he was asking for someone to kick his skinny white ass. That's when I said "Yeah, well I do your mom." I know, the joke is overused and and all that shit, but I could have made it better. I was going to say that I do it all night long, while your dad watches. But most of the time, the guy's not a complete douchebag, so I spared him a little pain. He was so shocked that I actually said something back to him that I think he might have shit his pants. I'll never know if he did, because I left right after that, so I could go back to being a lazy sonabitch.

P.S. I don't necessarily hate everyone described in this blog. So if you think you might be the person being described, it sucks to be you. Nothing personal, though.

-The Other Guy

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to all. To the ones that have nobody join the club. But think of it this way what you do tonight is endless and your not on a leash.  If you want someone I'm sure there's people out there that are looking for someone. Who knows maybe it will last. For those who already have someone...have fun.  But remember do something sweet for your sweetheart because if you don't they will leave you. The only thing worse than losing your significant other is losing the one Valentines Day. So there's the pressure. Deal with it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: John Bender

"The Criminal"
"Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."


Wanna know what makes me mad?

Imagine it's a cold winter's day. You have a nice cup of hot hot chocolate. Watching your favorite shows. You settle down in your comfy chair. When BAM! THE TELEPHONE RINGS. The dang telephone all the way across the house rings. And it's not like you were sitting down for hours and you can feel your stomach enlarging and you need to get up and stop being fat. It's like as soon as your butt cheeks graze the fabric of the recliner. When you're in mid motion to relax. You can't stop. Oh no. You have to actually sit down for a split second and then get back up. It's like the person is watching your every move trying to make life difficult. They think, "Well let's see how they like this." It's even worse when you had a long day at work or school, whatever floats your boat. Here's the thing though, when you pick up the phone guess who it is. That's right a telemarketer or one of those damn recordings. What do you do then. If it's a wired phone you could slam it down.  But if it's wireless you could forcefully push that red button. They really don't give off the same message. Next time this happens to you, yell, "SCREW IT!"  AND YOU WATCH THAT SHOW AND ENJOY YOUR HOT CHOCOLATE!


Sitcoms come and go,  but one of my all time favorites is "Friends". It's probably one of the best sitcoms EVER. The best duo I think of characters on any show is Joey and Chandler. Joey characterized by his "How you doin'?" motto.  And Chandler by his "Can I be anymore..." Cracks me up every time.  If you have not watched it I recommend you do and if you read this like you're supposed to when you get on my blog, and you don't watch it, I hope you grow up alone. Forever. Losing all your friends....even your best friend. Because your quality of life has not risen above boring and pointless until you watch this amazing made show. Highlighting the way friends are supposed to act towards each other. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: Rigby

"Go chew on your own gumballs, Benson!"

Fort Kick Ass

Bad Idea

What do we have here?

I'll tell you what we have.  First we have a bad idea, that was when this guy stepped up on the exercise ball.  The next step on the spectrum would be "WTF?!" That happened when he had the bad ass idea to bring the slightest amount of weight on the ball.  This picture is neither of those, this picture is "If I lift this over my head without falling off, I'm God....but...if I fall...let's not go there."  It's sort of like making a bet with the devil, if you win you could get something really cool, but if you lose, there goes your soul.  This picture just makes you wonder what in the hell happened after they took this picture. I'm sure the people at the gym had some really good laughs watching this.  That is until the guy probably got terribly injured.  You have to feel bad for the guy.  What do you think the guy that's holding him up is thinking? I'm sure he's thinking, "I'm screwed if this idiot drops that weight." Or maybe, "How did I get involved in this?"  This guy might have a sadder life than the guy on the ball.

At least it's not as bad as walking in on a naked guy in the locker room.

News Update

Listen up! I set up a poll for the whole animal thing.  Its over there. To your right. With the little bars on it. It ask what type of animal you would want to be when you put the little mouse on it. Let's see what type of answers we get!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Things That Just Don't Make Sense

Picture this:
You and your best friend are walking outside on a cold winter's game.  When you open the door leading to the outside your friend yells, "IT'S COLD AS BALLS OUT!"


What...what does that EVEN MEAN?

Think about it.  "Cold as balls." I mean you sit there and think long and hard about it.  No pun intended.   But seriously sit down and think since when are balls cold?  Now some times there are cold balls but are they cold enough that you can compare them to the weather?  I don't know that's your call. Comment maybe if you agree or disagree with me.  I don't think that's a good analogy though.  Whatever it's how it is I guess.

Another,  "... as ever" I hear this even more.  Walking down the hall,  "YO! She's hot as ever!"  Wait.  How does that make sense?  What is "ever"  in that context? We don't know.  We never will.  Doesn't that piss you off?  IT PISSES ME OFF. I don't understand.  People use it all the time too! " It's cold as ever out." "YO! He's nice as ever." I mean come what is as ever.  It's nothing.  IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AS EVER.  THERE I'M COOL I USED IT.

I never really understood salty either...

Like I know how to use it but...salt. Really? Where's that coming from? Why not pepper?  Or paprika?  That's a leap I know...

I'm ever. I'm sorry. Had to.

Regular Show

As a general rule "Regular Show" provides its viewers with some strange scenes.  The still airing cartoon on
Cartoon Network appeals to most ages.  However, the it's a lot different than the cartoons I grew up watching.  In any event, the show gives off laughs.

Food For Thought:  How awesome would it be to be a talking raccoon? For example: Rigby.  I have already been told that I am exactly like Rigby, and if you have not seen the show, watch it to understand the whole analogy.  (That was the reason I started watching it.) But anyways, back to the raccoon thing.  I guess any animal would suffice.  Maybe that's a good idea for a poll.  What animal would you be if you could be any animal?  But for seriousness. Humans are boring, what we walk around, pick things up like bad asses cause we have thumbs?  We shit and piss in a toilet?  Otherwise we would be seen as messed up.  Anything else gets to shit and piss WHERE EVER THEY WANT.  Now that should be a deal maker right there.  You don't like someone?  Here's a solution SHIT ON THEIR PORCH, CAR, COUCH, PILLOW, WHATEVER YOU WANT.  Now I don't know what animal you are that you have immediate access to their pillow or couch, but we can dream.

There's a blimp of what goes my mind