Monday, February 11, 2013

Regular Show

As a general rule "Regular Show" provides its viewers with some strange scenes.  The still airing cartoon on
Cartoon Network appeals to most ages.  However, the it's a lot different than the cartoons I grew up watching.  In any event, the show gives off laughs.

Food For Thought:  How awesome would it be to be a talking raccoon? For example: Rigby.  I have already been told that I am exactly like Rigby, and if you have not seen the show, watch it to understand the whole analogy.  (That was the reason I started watching it.) But anyways, back to the raccoon thing.  I guess any animal would suffice.  Maybe that's a good idea for a poll.  What animal would you be if you could be any animal?  But for seriousness. Humans are boring, what we walk around, pick things up like bad asses cause we have thumbs?  We shit and piss in a toilet?  Otherwise we would be seen as messed up.  Anything else gets to shit and piss WHERE EVER THEY WANT.  Now that should be a deal maker right there.  You don't like someone?  Here's a solution SHIT ON THEIR PORCH, CAR, COUCH, PILLOW, WHATEVER YOU WANT.  Now I don't know what animal you are that you have immediate access to their pillow or couch, but we can dream.

There's a blimp of what goes my mind

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