Monday, February 11, 2013

Things That Just Don't Make Sense

Picture this:
You and your best friend are walking outside on a cold winter's game.  When you open the door leading to the outside your friend yells, "IT'S COLD AS BALLS OUT!"


What...what does that EVEN MEAN?

Think about it.  "Cold as balls." I mean you sit there and think long and hard about it.  No pun intended.   But seriously sit down and think since when are balls cold?  Now some times there are cold balls but are they cold enough that you can compare them to the weather?  I don't know that's your call. Comment maybe if you agree or disagree with me.  I don't think that's a good analogy though.  Whatever it's how it is I guess.

Another,  "... as ever" I hear this even more.  Walking down the hall,  "YO! She's hot as ever!"  Wait.  How does that make sense?  What is "ever"  in that context? We don't know.  We never will.  Doesn't that piss you off?  IT PISSES ME OFF. I don't understand.  People use it all the time too! " It's cold as ever out." "YO! He's nice as ever." I mean come what is as ever.  It's nothing.  IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AS EVER.  THERE I'M COOL I USED IT.

I never really understood salty either...

Like I know how to use it but...salt. Really? Where's that coming from? Why not pepper?  Or paprika?  That's a leap I know...

I'm ever. I'm sorry. Had to.

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