Sunday, February 24, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

To everyone who reads this,

  When you live your life you are faced with many choices.  Choices that could help you for the better or hurt you for the worst.  If you have a goal, pursue it.  If you are close enough to your goal that you can taste it, take it.  Always take a risk.  No matter what.  Because if you don't take risks in life, you will have regrets.  And if you go through life with regrets, you will be grumpy when you grow up.  This is a terrible way to grow up and go through life.  Always keep this in mind when faced with making a decision: "Live life without regrets."  Trust me, if you think this every time a choice presents itself in front of you, you will make the right decision.  And you will not look back on life thinking, "Damn, I wish I would have done this with my life."  We only have one life, we are one and done.  Don't screw up your life because you don't have the balls to try.  Always try.  Always try to do something with your life, something that you really want to do.  If you read this, keep this in mind when you ever have to face something crucial in your life, and you won't regret it.

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