Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today's Outstanding Person: The Single Person

The single person has a lot going on.  If you have plans on having a family, then you got to make sure that you find the right person to make a family with.  Also, loyalty can be a problem.  If you find the right person, I'm sure it won't be as hard. But when you do have someone there's always going to be someone that may look better, but you have to look past this and look deeper down.  It sucks sometimes when you're in this position, but when you are single you miss out on this stuff which sucks worse.  Everyone should have someone, and single people know how hard it is to see happy couples and families.  I know how it feels, we've all been there at some point.  Hopefully, we all find someone. So here's to those to who are single and looking for someone, may you find them.

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